Tuesday, January 6, 2009


It is getting harder and harder to breathe these days. I grasp love and air for they both are one in my eyes. Life exsists merely because of the love placed in the palms of our hands and yet many are as alone as I. We walk amongst shadows of what could be and that is frightening. We fear death so much we never live. That is what really scares me. I want nothing more than to be loved as my childhood was filled with hate. I know that my mother loves me, but she sure has an awful way of showing it. So it is not just love from family but love from you that would make my heart stop or race, I haven't decided. I walk with high hopes and daze into dreams of the world we all live in. It is funny how you never know what another is thinking or doing, sometimes I would like to know your thoughts. Why must I always chase pavements that take me to dead roads? One day he might understand that I was right all along, our hearts beat in one and our dreams push forward together. But you don't see, do you? It is always hard hearing that one does, in fact, love you and yet there is no drive to move forward. Why is that? I am beginning to not believe you anymore. This is hard. I grasp your palms and feel your warm blood rushing through the vessles of our bodies. I know you. I have never wanted to know someone so bad, and yet I have never wanted to forget the same person even more.

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