Monday, May 4, 2009


You once told me that God placed me in your life for a reason; if that were true wouldn't that make God a cruel human? Wait, is He even human? I am still pondering why He took you away so quickly, wait scratch that.. What I meant to say was that I am still pondering why He takes everyone away so quickly. It took me a mere three days without room to breathe to realize I love my space from time to time.. but now that you're gone life is so empty. I thought about laying a vacant sign on the other half of my bed. It's weird how for those three days, the three days that we even shared a toothbrush, I walked into a scent that even time couldn't make me forget, but that scent, well it is gone now. I used to take the deepest breath with my nose against the pillow, as if it were my last, only to make it seem as though you just stepped out for a second; that second has seemed so long. The second hand still has yet to move.

I do not understand life, and maybe that is a bit melodramatic but I just cannot fathom sharing my life with someone and for them to leave faster than I can finish. Maybe if I looked like the Victoria's Secret models that men drool over, maybe then you would think to stay for even one more night.

I am still waiting here. Come on second hand move; he isn't coming back is he? I didn't think so. Thanks God for yet again bringing someone in and kicking them out. What hospitality you have. Take everyone from me, I need space. Catch all that sarcasm? We love what we are used to.. so why don't I love being alone? God answer me. Are you listening? No, you're not.